GUARDIAN: An AI Fifa president?

An AI Fifa president? Hope Sogni unveiled as hypothetical female candidate

Back in March, Gianni Infantino was re-elected unopposed as Fifa’s president to serve until 2027. Frustrations with Fifa and Infantino fester on a variety of issues from inequalities in football to human rights abuses and yet there is no viable alternative to him. For the first time, though, there is an alternative voice being put forward to challenge the rule of Infantino.

AI candidate ‘Hope Sogni’ has been created to start conversations about the lack of women in key decision-making roles in football and specifically at Fifa. After listing a number of problematic occurrences within the organisation in recent months the candidate said in her manifesto speech ‘Fifa must hold up its own mirror and decide whether what they see looking back is in fact a beautiful game, because all I see is a century of misogyny that has overshadowed its ability to truly be a game for all.’

Meet the AI-created football expert aiming to teach Infantino a lesson